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The participative project "Technologies for other ways of constructing: The constructive experience of women in popular movements" is based at the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the Federal University of Alagoas (FAU/Ufal), in Brazil, and was funded by the International Development Research - Carleton University, Canada - as part of the Gendered Design in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts and math) program in low-and-middle-income countries (LMIC), from 2020 to 2022.

FAU/Ufal: Diana Helene, Eva Rolim, Flávia Araújo, Bruna Oliveira e Mayara Silva.
Batuque (empresa júnior de design da FAU/Ufal):
Alanna Barros, Beatriz Ramos, Fernanda Rodrigues, Luiza Amorim, Victor Lobo.
CTEC/Ufal: Jessica Lima.
NIDES/UFRJ: Amanda Azevedo
UFABC: Bruna Vasconcellos
FAU/USP: Kaya Lazarini
Porto de Pedras, AL: Gedilza Holanda da Silva Mendonça (Preta) e Jovina Ferreira Lopes.
Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos, MA: Josiclea (Zica) Pires da Silva e Josiane Pires da Silva.
Serra da Misericórdia, RJ: Sandra Regina da Silva, Vanessa Geraldino Gomes e Ana Paula Santos.

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